It’s increasingly important to me to be living authentically. What does that mean? I hear you ask. To me, it means living my life in a way that reflects my core values but also in accordance with my personality and interests. We can all be influenced, swayed even, by outside pressure and find ourselves doing things we really don’t want to, but perhaps feel we should. The influences on our thinking can be parents, siblings, friends, partners, colleagues, bosses, our education, the media, social media, ….. the list is endless. Sometimes, it’s worth stopping and considering whether the choices we’re making are truly our own. There may be a cost of making different choices, such as upsetting others, but how would it be to muster up the courage to be truly authentic, to regularly show up as our authentic self?

This time of year is typically one where people resolve to make change. New gym memberships soar, weightloss diets begin, new activities, habits and routines planned. But many fall by the wayside, often because they’re things we don’t really want to do or we’re trying to achieve in ways that don’t fit us or our lifestyle. It’s very easy to be influenced by others around us, Instagram posts, the latest fads, etc. I also see people who are constantly seeking something new to sort out their issues. They stick with something for a while but then move on to the next thing. I sometimes see that with people who come to my classes, though not often.

I have many loyal members of my yoga classes who come to my classes because they feel the yoga I teach is right for them and their bodies, but who also enjoy the social connections and psychological benefits. We chat, we laugh, we share, we explore, we learn. Hopefully I provide a space for authenticity, for people to show up as themselves, whatever their state of mind, and do something that makes them feel good in a way that suits them. Competition and perfectionism have no place in my classes. I also believe my teaching is authentic to me. It reflects who I am and how I approach life – always learning, growing, seeking new information, being inspired by others, being creative and playful, enjoying what I do. As I age, my yoga practice and teaching evolve and my hope is that those in my classes grow and adapt with me.

I’ll leave you to consider whether you’re living your life authentically. If not, what changes could you make in the year(s) ahead? Maybe you need to approach something, or someone, differently and not worry so much about how you are perceived. Maybe you need to learn to say ‘no’ more often. Maybe you need to let go of ‘should’. Maybe you need to have the courage to be your authentic self. For some people, that might mean first working out who that is!