I just wanted to remind everyone of The Serenity Prayer: We may all feel that we have little influence over current events, but just remember we can influence our reaction to them. Personally, I choose [...]
The benefits of Yoga
I'm often asked if my yoga classes are suitable for people with various issues, including not being very flexible, & if there is an age restriction. The answer is always the same - anyone can [...]
Scaravelli-inspired yoga
Yoga is a brilliant way to unwind & enable the body to function well. It's great for everyone irrespective of age, experience, ability or level of fitness. It's particularly beneficial for those suffering from stress [...]
The Power of Beliefs
There are so many people out there offering you possible solutions to your health issues, it can be a bit of a minefield deciding which path to follow. You will be wanting to know which [...]
Feeling stuck?
Are you feeling stuck? Maybe you have chronic fatigue or pain issues & have been unwell for so long you can't imagine ever feeling in the best of health & living a fulfilling life. Maybe [...]
Living a life you love
Wouldn't it be wonderful if you could be living a life you love? Well, what's stopping you? There are many things that can stop us from making changes to enable us to live a more [...]